All services and products from a single supplier

More than 15 years experience

Our focus is on optimizing complex healthcare processes by developing innovative solutions that bring greater safety and efficiency while reducing costs. In doing so, we work closely with professionals and specialists at local hospitals to provide our customers with the best possible support.

Our locations

Two locations, one common philosophy: We stand for quality, reliability and first-class service.


Medovis Healthcare GmbH
Market ring 6
8523 Frauental,

[email protected]
+43 3462 30416

Marktring 6, 8523 Frauental, Österreich

Medovis BV
De Ronde 15
5683 CZ Best

[email protected]

De Ronde 15, 5683 CZ Best, Netherlands

MEDOVIS is part of the EOSS Group